It is good for everyone to find themselves, their vocation, profession, hobby and to live like themselves for as long as possible!
Me and my job ...
I've been a hairdresser for 11 years! I have proven myself in my profession mainly as a colorist. I have participated in international and domestic trainings and events. Teacher for 5 years. Colors have always attracted me!
Me and my hobby ...
I've been painting since I was little. I remember going to classes! I still keep them, some of the children's graphics and drawings! Then we got lost with my painting for a while, but they always find you...the good things. It was quite difficult for me to start selling my paintings. The first painting I sold took me about two months to separate! The woman who bought it enjoys a 50% lifetime discount, if it weren't for her I might never have had this site and a lot of paintings and orders already sold!